Social media has the power to transform your business marketing. If you’re a sustainable brand or business, then you’ll probably be uninterested in knowing how social media marketing can help power the rise of sustainable brands. 

Social media marketing (SMM) can bring brand awareness, enhance your online reputation, boost sales and conversions, drive website traffic, and help you build a more engaged community. As a component of your online marketing strategy, SMM can help you develop an integrated approach to reaching your marketing goals. 

At Green Socials we work with a range of Australian sustainable brands and businesses to help them create social media strategies, enhance their online presence, and meet their marketing objectives. In doing so, we also help them to enhance their environmental and sustainability impacts. 

There are many eco-friendly businesses in Australia that are doing amazing things. From slow fashion brands in Australia, sustainable tourism businesses, sustainable banking, and eco-friendly Australian brands selling eco-friendly products - to organisations focused on environmental sustainability. 

And many of these brands are using social media to stand out online and elevate their mission-driven businesses. If you’ve been looking for “social media marketing Sydney” in the hope of finding inspiration and social media services for sustainable brands in Australia, then we can help. 

Keep reading to find out more about Sydney-based organisations using social media for good, and how Green Socials can help your eco business to thrive.

power of social media marketing in Sydney

What is social media marketing?

You may have been wondering “What is social media marketing” and “How can it benefit my eco business or startup in Australia?”. Once you have a better understanding of what social media is all about, and how it has the potential to help your overall marketing and business growth objectives, it should become clearer how it can benefit your business. Below we will also provide some case study examples from Sydney, to showcase the power of social media.

Social media marketing involves using social media platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, LinkedIn, or Twitter to promote your business, engage your audience, and increase traffic to your website. Each social media platform has unique features and appeals to slightly different audiences - finding the right mix and ways of strategically using them can help you reach your marketing goals. 

Given that there are so many social media users (estimated at 4.89 billion in 2023), and that many people use social media to discover new brands, products, and services - and that it can help persuade people to buy from a particular brand by creating social trust - social media marketing has become an indispensable part of any businesses’ marketing strategy. 

Not only does social media allow your business to increase its brand awareness, but it can help to authentically engage with your target audience, and position itself as a thought leader or industry leader. It can also help you to generate business leads and it can help your community feel inspired by the work that you do, particularly when it comes to your social and environmental impacts.

social media networks on a mobile phone

Why is social media marketing important for sustainable businesses in Australia?

Social media marketing is important for any business. But for sustainable businesses, social media can really help play an important role in promoting the businesses’ sustainable impacts and in raising awareness among a targeted green audience. 

For any organisation that’s green, eco, sustainable, and purpose-driven, these are some of the key benefits of social media marketing in Sydney and globally:

1. Increase brand awareness and reach

With an estimated 4.89  billion users, social media is where a huge percentage of people in the world hang out online. If you want people to get to know more about your brand, social media is a great place to start. It provides a massive opportunity for sustainable businesses and brands to reach a large global audience, with the potential for targeting very specific audiences. 

If you’re creating great content, designed to engage your audience and increase awareness, then this could be a powerful way of growing your online presence. Targeted social media advertising can also help to boost brand awareness, reach, and engagement. And through social media, you can drive more traffic to your website too. 

2. Authentically showcase your sustainability credentials

Social media also has the power to help you communicate your sustainability credentials as a brand or business. Through storytelling, you can showcase what you’re doing to improve the environment and be sustainable, and what impact you’ve created. You can also show customers and customers how their lives can be improved by using your products or services. 

By communicating in an authentic and transparent way about how you’re eco-friendly, you can help to show your values and mission which will hopefully resonate with your target audience. 

This authentic communication on social media helps to build a sense of community, connection, and trust. This can help convince consumers to support your mission and buy from you. Remember that more than a third of all people are willing to pay more for products that are sustainable, and are happy to pay a premium for eco products. And, there are over 4.2 billion social media users in the world, which is a lot of opportunity for eco brands to succeed.

3. Educate consumers and customers to gain support for your cause

For many types of organisations, such as nonprofits, it’s important to educate people and raise awareness about specific issues and causes. Once people understand the cause and what you’re doing to defend or solve it, they may be more likely to support your organisation.

Whether your organisation aims to reduce plastic pollution (and educate people why plastics can be harmful to the environment, ecosystems, and human health), or you want to rally people to support a climate change march - social media can help you gain support for your cause. 

Oftentimes this informative content involves sharing solutions, guides, or tips about sustainable living, or about what actions need to be taken to resolve an issue. 

4. Improve customer service and customer relationships

Being present on social media allows customers to engage with your business in real time. Customers may have questions or complaints they want to share, and being able to answer these appropriately and timeously can help you improve your online reputation management.

You can also ask customers to engage with your brand in ways that can reveal some useful business insights that you can use to improve your business. 

For example, you could take a poll to find out which colour dress customers like best or get people involved in co-creating a design for a new eco mug where your audience has to vote for the one they like best. That can give you an indication of what products and designs would be most popular. And at the same time, it can help foster strong connections and a sense of community.

5. Collaborate with social media influencers

Social media marketing allows you to leverage strategic partnerships with influencers and other ethical brands that are aligned with your mission and purpose, to reach a wider audience. 

This could help you gather more support for an environmental cause, help you raise more awareness about your mission, or help you achieve conversions like donating (if you’re a nonprofit) or buying a product. 

6. Enhance search engine ranking and boost website traffic

Using social media can help you grow your audience organically online by using a great content strategy, email marketing, improved SEO, organic social media posts, and user-generated content (UGC) on social media. 

If your brand or business is active on social media, this can actually help to boost your website’s SEO ranking. This can be achieved by sharing content that links back to your site or encouraging users to share content about your brand. 

And by having an active blog on your website that’s optimised for SEO, you can also receive more traffic which can further help to boost your search engine rankings. This helps your business to be discovered online for specific keywords that are relevant to your business so that you can target your intended audience to visit your website.

7. Boosts your sustainability impacts

Most eco businesses want to scale their environmental and sustainability impacts. When brands start to use social media marketing, this can bring many benefits such as more awareness about your brand, more website visitors, and more support for your cause. All of these can together help your business to grow - helping you to also grow your positive sustainability impacts. 

How these 5 sustainable brands are using social media marketing in Sydney, Australia 

Social media marketing has so many benefits for organisations of any type, but particularly for eco and sustainable businesses. Below we explore five eco organisations using social media marketing in Sydney to help them stand out from the competition and create awareness, and engagement, and garner more support for their causes. 

This includes a small business, a nonprofit, a local government, a large brand, and a cause. 

Elevating eco-brands in Sydney: 5 social media marketing Sydney case studies

1. WeAre8

WeAre8 is a Sydney-based small business startup that was founded by tech entrepreneur, Sue Fennessy. It’s a social media platform app for brands and businesses that do good and help create a better world. The idea for this startup came from a desire to address some of the negative impacts of social media advertising. 

When users download the WeAre8 app, they can receive small payments which they can then give to causes they’re passionate about supporting. WeAre8 is also a carbon negative social media platform, and gives a large percentage of its profits back to users and charities. 

Not only is WeAre8 a social media platform, but they also use social media to raise awareness about their brand and to help share environmental messages.

2. Planet Ark

Planet Ark is a Sydney-based nonprofit environmental organisation. They aim to change people’s behaviour to support a circular economy, and low carbon lifestyles and to help connect people with nature. 

With over 29K followers on Instagram, Planet Ark has been successful at using social media to show people how it’s easy and fun to change habits and behaviour to be more sustainable and mindful. 

3. The City of Sydney

The City of Sydney is a local government that provides services for Sydney residents and manages many aspects of the local environment. Increasingly cities and local governments are using social media to reach out to communities with their constituents and as a way of providing real-time notices and feedback to residents’ questions, concerns, or complaints. 

The City of Sydney is active on various social media platforms including Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. It has over 291K followers on Facebook, over 201K followers on Instagram, and over 275K on Twitter.

Many city governments are responsible for managing local biodiversity, ensuring action is being taken on climate change, and enhancing sustainable lifestyles through programs like sustainable mobility. The city is able to help get support for its environmental and sustainability projects and programs through its use of social media. Social media also helps it to communicate its environmental goals and impacts.

A City of Sydney social media post on Twitter

4. Finders Keepers

Finders Keepers is an iconic design market that’s hosted in various cities around Australia including Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. Not only do they promote local artists, designers, creatives and artisans - but they’re also committed to sustainability and conscious consumerism. 

Founded in 2008 by Brooke Johnston and Sarah Thornton, Finders Keepers, their logo “mindfully made, thoughtfully bought” encapsulates their ethos of ensuring that sustainability is at the heart of all goods and products made and sold through their markets. 

Design criteria for creatives include making products ethically and sustainability, such as being committed to using materials that can be recycled or reused. They also ask applicants to show how their products are “environmentally sustainable, organic, plant-based, Fair Trade/working conditions, using recycled, repurposed or upcycled materials, toxin-free, etc.”

Finders Keepers has an impressive 246K following on Instagram and helps to promote the local artisans that showcase their products and goods at the Finders Keepers events. This includes showcasing how these products are ethically made and sustainable.

5. Pack for the Future

Pack for the Future is a cause marketing initiative of UNICEF that aims to raise awareness and gather support for UNICEF’s mission to support children in developing countries. By providing these children with a blue school backpack (containing pens and notepads needed for learning), children are able to quite literally pack for their futures.

The #PackForTheFuture campaign in Australia helped raise awareness about this cause to over 10 million people and helped support over 100 blue backpacks that were donated to children in need. 

A Pack for the Future video post on Facebook

Do you want to elevate your business with social media services in Australia for sustainable brands? 

Are you looking for “social media services Australia”? Or for the “best social media agency in Australia”? Then you’ve come to the right place. Green Socials works with some top social brands and eco-friendly businesses across the country and internationally.

Some of the many reasons to outsource your social media management include lacking the requisite skills and experience, wanting to leverage the latest social media trends and design skills of an experienced marketing agency, and being able to outsource the 24/7 online reputation management aspect of managing your social channels. 

Here are some of our social media services:

  • Creating a customised content strategy

  • Organic social media management

  • Designing green and eco social media Canva templates

  • Providing individual social media consulting sessions

  • Designing email marketing campaigns

  • Creating SEO-optimised blogs to help drive traffic to your eco-friendly website

  • Creating and managing Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns

togther we create written on a wall

Green Socials can help you elevate your purpose-led business using social media

If you want to elevate your purpose-driven business, then using social media marketing and online marketing should be a priority. “Social media marketing Sydney” is a popular search term in Australia and for good reason - there are so many brands that want to stand out online. 

We know that it can be daunting as a small business, a new brand, or even an enterprise-level organisation - to create a social media strategy that elevates your brand. That’s part of the reason why we exist - to help you on your social media journey.

At Green Socials, we’re a social media marketing agency in Sydney (Australia) that wants to make a big difference in this world. We have a dedicated team of social media and marketing specialists who are passionate about helping sustainable businesses like yours to grow and expand your impacts. And we walk the talk too: we’re a member of 1 Percent for the Planet (contributing 1% of our profits to charity), and we’re a member of The Ethical Move.

So whether you’re searching for a “social media agency in Melbourne”, “social media agency in Sydney” or a social media marketing agency for small businesses, nonprofits, or eco-project anywhere in Australia, New Zealand, or further afield, you can count on Green Socials. Our team of passionate experts is here to provide you with a range of customised and strategic boutique social media agency services. Get in touch to explore how we can start working together.


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