Kate Berrisford Kate Berrisford

Non-Profit Marketing: How To Craft A Marketing Plan For A Non-Profit Organisation

Marketing for a non-profit organisation demands a unique approach. Unlike for-profit businesses, non-profit marketing is focused on promoting nonprofits’ missions and values, rather than products or services. 

Nonprofit marketing plans help to provide a blueprint of how organisations can engage with their supporters, donors and stakeholders while helping achieve their fundraising goals. Nonprofit marketing also helps nonprofit organisations (NPOs) to communicate their messages, raise awareness about their causes – thereby enhancing support from donors, volunteers, staff and partners.

Below are reasons why nonprofit marketing plans are important and some essential steps to crafting a powerful marketing plan for a non-profit organisation.

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Valentine AOUAD Valentine AOUAD

What Are The Principles Of Conscious Marketing?

According to a study by NielsenIQ, 78% of US consumers say they care about living a sustainable lifestyle. Similarly, a Forbes article reported that 78% of survey respondents prioritised buying from companies that ethically source their products.

However, at the very same time, ultra-fast fashion has reached an all-time high since 2020 and the recession is forcing people to choose between affordability and sustainability—putting conscious consumerism at risk.

Conscious consumerism involves making deliberate choices about what to purchase, why to purchase it, and how to acquire products or services. Yes, people generally have choices in their buying decisions, but conscious consumerism places a higher priority on learning about a business and its sourcing practices. Rather than simply picking a product off supermarket shelves without giving it an extra thought, a conscious consumer will consider its origin or production methods.

But for conscious consumerism to remain relevant in an era where convenience and affordability are paramount, conscious marketing must become more prevalent in today's marketplace.

So what exactly is conscious marketing? In this article, we'll explore what conscious consumerism entails, how companies can implement it, and provide examples from our client work that adhere to these principles.

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Valentine AOUAD Valentine AOUAD

6 Steps to Building an Instagram Content Strategy

Is this a familiar scenario for you? When it comes to social media, you don’t have any idea as to what to create to cater to your target audience. Or, you have content ideas in mind but have no time to actually implement any of them. Or maybe, you follow Instagram ‘experts’ and apply some of their top tips on how to go viral on Instagram, but none of them work.

If you are in any of these scenarios, this article is for you. What you are missing is a well-devised Instagram content strategy, which is crucial for a brand's success. In this article, we'll delve into what content strategy isn't and why every brand should create a content strategy, providing a step-by-step guide for building an effective Instagram content strategy.

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Kate Berrisford Kate Berrisford

Digital Marketing For Small Businesses: The Ultimate Guide

Interested in growing your business, audience and sustainability impacts? Then our ultimate guide to digital marketing for small businesses will help you discover tangible ways to use online marketing to achieve your business goals.

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Kate Berrisford Kate Berrisford


Sustainable business is booming in Australia with a rise in sustainable brands and eco-conscious consumers demanding green products and services. Learn more about how social media plays an important role in helping sustainable brands to attract and win over new customers.

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